There are many reasons to choose ClearTrust

Traffic quality is central to all your business goals. Ad Fraud and Invalid traffic will never stop, and the only realistic way to get good traffic is a result of accurate verification, fast action, transparent reporting and being financially accessible. ClearTrust lends this power to you in real time. A comparison with other fraud detection tools is a great idea to understand the value we deliver.

Magic of Filters

More than 130+ filters tracking down IVT as per MRC guidelines

Proprietary Intelligence

A self learning system which gets more intelligent with every scan

Last Mile Integrations

From Javascript monitoring tags to deep integration APIs, we have it all

Flexible System

Switch on & Switch Off Filters for a per advertiser or per affiliate basis

Real time Reporting

Reporting and Insights delivered in real time as the traffic is scanned

Best Customer Support

We have an amazing support team with an NPS of 9. Our customers vouch for it.