
SafePixel (Verify) - Javascript Tag

SafePixel – Verify is a non-blocking javascript-based integration where a single line tag is pasted to the property. It could be a website or a creative piggyback or a third-party tracking pixel. Once this tag is pasted, it starts scanning immediately and reports are made available.

It is a cookie-less tag, which monitors the traffic for invalid signatures and breaks them down into simple and identifiable categories. This tag could be pasted independently or via a Tag Manager such as GTM or within GAM (Google Ad Manager).

This tag is an ideal integration for Web Publishers who are running programmatic ads and looking to stay IVT compliant with their demand partners.

SafePixel Verify

SafePixel (Verify & Block) - Javascript Tag

SafePixel – Verify & Block is a non-blocking javascript-based integration that also provides the ability to block invalid traffic in real-time.

Once this tag is pasted to a property (domain/creative piggyback / tracking pixel), it provides a callback where it returns a traffic score.

The traffic can be rejected or allowed based on that score in real-time. This tag is an ideal integration for Web Publishers who are running programmatic ads and looking to stay IVT compliant with their demand partners.

SafePixel Verify & Block

SafeAPI (Verify) - RESTful API

SafeAPI is a RESTful API-based integration. This integration serves as a traffic verification solution for platforms such as an Ad Network / Ad Exchange / Ad Server / DSP / SSP to record precise traffic scores in real-time.

Typical use cases include oRTB Postbid scans, traffic scoring for creative impressions. SafeAPI (Monitor) is pre-integrated with white label platforms such as AdKernel, Project Limelight, Opery, SmartHub, AdTelligent, Ubidex, etc, and can be used for integrating with in-house platforms.

SafeAPI Verify

SafeAPI (Verify & Block) - RESTful API

SafeAPI is a RESTful API-based integration. This integration serves as a traffic scoring solution for platforms such as an Ad Network / Ad Exchange / Ad Server / DSP / SSP to access precise traffic scores in real-time during the bid request or impression or click flow.

Typical use cases include oRTB Postbid blocking, blocking creative impressions for invalid traffic. SafeAPI (Monitor) is pre-integrated with white label platforms such as AdKernel, Project Limelight, Opery, SmartHub, AdTelligent, Ubidex, etc, and can be used for integrating with in-house platforms.

SafeAPI Verify & Block

SafeGateway (Verify) - Redirect Link

SafeGateway (Verify) is a redirect link integration. The purpose of this integration is to protect your landing pages from spurious and invalid clicks.

It serves as a portable solution for media buyers who run affiliate / digital marketing campaigns and have a need to give an advertiser link to their sources for delivering traffic. This solution encapsulates the advertiser link and sets up a virtual firewall for all incoming clicks.

In this solution, the entire traffic is allowed to reach the final link but is stamped and measured in the reports. Using these reports, media buyers can identify suspect sources and block them independently.

SafeGateway Verify

SafeGateway (Verify & Block) - Redirect Link

SafeGateway (Verify & Block) is a redirect link integration. The purpose of this integration is to protect your landing pages from spurious and invalid clicks in real-time.

It serves as a portable solution for media buyers who run email/affiliate / digital marketing campaigns and have a need to give an advertiser link to their sources for delivering traffic. This solution encapsulates the advertiser link and sets up a virtual firewall for all incoming clicks.

In this solution, invalid traffic is dropped before it reaches the final link and only clean traffic is allowed.

SafeGateway Verify & Block