What is Gaming Fraud?

Gaming advertising fraud refers to any fraudulent activity that occurs within the gaming ecosystem. It involves deceptive practices such as fake ad views, click fraud, and invalid traffic generated by bots and illegitimate sources.

Fraudsters exploit gaming platforms to manipulate ad performance metrics, leading to advertisers paying for fraudulent impressions or clicks that were never seen by genuine gamers.

Gaming Fraud

It Affects ..


In-Game Ad Networks

Ad Exchanges

Gaming Platforms

Ad Agencies

And many more..

Challenges faced due to Gaming Fraud

Fake Ad Views

Fake Ad Views

Fraudsters generate fake ad views, making it appear as if ads are being seen by real gamers. This leads to advertisers paying for impressions that were never actually viewed by genuine users. Fake ad views distort campaign performance metrics and waste advertising budgets.

Click Fraud

Click Fraud

Click fraud involves fraudsters repeatedly clicking on gaming ads with the intention of depleting the advertiser's budget or artificially boosting click-through rates. This fraudulent activity can mislead advertisers into believing their ads are performing well when, in reality, the clicks are not coming from interested users.

Invalid Traffic

Invalid Traffic

Invalid traffic includes non-human interactions (bots) or traffic that does not comply with industry standards. Fraudsters use bots to generate ad views and clicks, giving the illusion of engagement by real gamers. Advertisers end up paying for engagements with illegitimate sources, resulting in a lack of genuine user interaction.

Ad Injection Fraud

Ad Injection Fraud

Fraudsters inject unauthorized ads into gaming platforms, leading to ads being displayed in inappropriate contexts. This harms the brand reputation of advertisers and disrupts the gaming experience for genuine players, negatively impacting ad campaign performance.

Attribution Fraud

Attribution Fraud

Attribution fraud occurs when fraudsters manipulate data to take credit for legitimate ad views or clicks that were actually generated by real gamers. This deceptive practice makes it difficult for advertisers to accurately measure their campaign's performance and allocate resources effectively.

Account Takeover

Account Takeover

Fraudsters gain unauthorized access to players' gaming accounts, either through phishing or hacking, and engage in malicious activities. Account takeover fraud can lead to fraudulent in-game purchases or unauthorized actions within the game, affecting both players and game developers.

How do we help

ClearTrust's Fastlink offers a comprehensive solution to tackle gaming fraud, helping prevent the wastage of ad spend and ensuring accurate analytics. With Fastlinks, you can easily protect your gaming advertising campaigns and make informed decisions for future strategies.

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