What is Impressions Fraud?

Impressions fraud, also known as ad impressions fraud, occurs when digital advertisements are falsely counted as being viewed by users. This deceptive practice can involve various techniques, such as automated bots generating fake impressions, hidden ads, ad stacking, and more. Advertisers pay for impressions with the assumption that real users are engaging with their content, but fraudsters exploit vulnerabilities in the ad ecosystem to manipulate these metrics.

Click Fraud

It Affects..



Ad Networks

Programmatic Platforms


And many more..

Challenges faced due to Impressions Fraud

Increased Advertising Costs

Wasted Ad Budget

Impressions fraud causes advertisers to pay for views that don't truly originate from human users. Fraudulent bot-generated impressions eat into the ad budget, diverting funds away from genuine engagements. As a result, advertisers end up paying for interactions that hold no value in terms of brand exposure, conversions, or customer engagement.

Lower Ad Performance

Credibility Damage

Impressions fraud undermines trust within the advertising ecosystem. Advertisers depend on partners to deliver genuine ad placements and accurate performance metrics. When fraudulent views go unnoticed, it erodes trust between advertisers and the various players in the adtech industry, leading to strained relationships and potentially severed partnerships.

Decreased Conversion Rates

Decreased ROI

Impressions fraud dilutes the impact of ad campaigns by inserting non-human views into the engagement mix. As a result, the actual return on investment (ROI) from campaigns diminishes. Advertisers may believe they're achieving higher engagement rates than they truly are, leading to misguided allocation of resources and potentially underestimating the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Loss of Revenue

Inaccurate Audience Insights

Fraudulent impressions skew audience data and demographics. Advertisers rely on these insights to tailor their campaigns to specific target audiences. However, when bots generate fake impressions, the demographic information becomes tainted, leading to misguided assumptions about consumer behavior. This inaccuracy can hinder the ability to fine-tune targeting strategies for maximum impact.

Legal Issues

Ad Network Reputation

Impressions fraud can lead to ad networks inadvertently associating with fraudulent activities. When fraudulent ads make their way into networks, it reflects poorly on the network's reputation. Advertisers may hesitate to partner with networks that have a history of delivering fraudulent impressions, resulting in lost business opportunities and decreased revenue for the network.

Credibility Issues

False Performance Metrics

Impressions fraud artificially inflates the number of ad views, distorting the actual performance metrics. Advertisers rely on impressions as a key indicator of campaign success. However, with fake impressions in the mix, metrics like click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates become unreliable. This leads to misguided insights into the effectiveness of ad campaigns, hindering the ability to optimize strategies based on accurate data.

How can we help

ClearTrust provides a powerful remedy for tackling impressions fraud through the deployment of a comprehensive URL pixel that seamlessly aligns with Google Ad Manager. This integration occurs in monitor mode, coinciding with Google Ad Manager's pixel within creative assets capturing real-time information such as traffic sources, IP addresses, user agents, and many more.

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